
Grades 6-12
Why do we refer to The Way as a “movement” instead of a "group"? Movement begets movement - this is true in the realm of physics, and it is true in the spiritual realm. There is a huge difference between motion and movement. A wheel stuck in the mud can create a lot of motion but will struggle to generate movement. As a youth ministry, we don’t want to just create motion [busyness], we want to be faithful and allow the Spirit to cultivate efficient and productive movement. In other words, we want to act with effect. What effect? Lasting fruit [John 15:16]. We tend to fill our calendars with events, activities, trips, camps, missions, etc., which can create a lot of motion, but if we neglect the very thing Jesus called for most - discipleship - we will simply be spinning our wheels. Movement is what [I believe] Jesus mandated for ministry in His Church.

The Way: This is the relational element of The Way Youth Movement - and where real ministry happens. Every activity/event we do is done with one purpose in mind - to create an environment where meaningful relationships are fostered so that true discipleship can happen. Fun is only a tool, not a purpose or mission!
Wednesday Nights
6:30 PM

Sunday Mornings
10:00 AM



Arena Gym
Discipleship Meets Fitness
Boxing Training Every Saturday
Group Times: 9 am-10 am, 10 am-11 am, 11 am-12 pm
3 to 5 people
Call for an Appointment